Post #2 Directions

Approximately 150 words, addressed to everybody in the group and submitted by Monday, November 8, 7:30 p.m. U.S. EST/5:30 p.m. U.S. MDT.

To preserve the conversational structure of the discussion, please provide a greeting and signature with each message, naming the group or person to whom you are writing and signing each letter. 

Before you compose your second comment, read all the submissions prior to yours and any second comments already posted by members of your group. In your second comment, addressed to your entire group, refer specifically to at least two members of the group by name, attempting to cite at least two group-mates whose first submissions have not already been cited by others if possible. Please respond to at least one person not in your class.

In your second comment, identify and explain how one or more keywords and reflective comments by group-mates contributed to your understanding of the article. Comment on ways in which their interpretations are similar to and/or different from your own. Attempt to answer another group-mate's question about the article, and offer possible solutions. There are MANY helpful links posted on this blog - they will always be to the left of your main screen. Check them out, as well as a link I posted to each group's individual page.

Your solution MUST CITE AN OUTSIDE SOURCE. Only one citation of an outside source is required. Make sure to cite in proper MLA format. You should use this source to either further an argument or answer a question.